Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Did I fall off the face of the earth???

Hey everyone.....I know it's been awhile. Well we finally got a new hard drive for the computer, now it's about making time to install it. So check back soon I promise to try my hardest to get it done. So in the mean time I will talk. :) My pregnancy is going well. Only 6 weeks to go! So I am busy getting things washed & organized. You know me everything has to have a place & imagine that with pregnancy hormones! Yeah you get the point. Isaac is good too. Thank God! I know I have not been able to post about it but I will....he was hospitalized in Jan. with R.S.V. it's like phenomena but a virus. So that was a mini trial all on it's own. They said his lungs may be affected in the long run but only time would tell. Now that the season is changing we are noticing the problems. :( He gets a bad cough when he wakes up or when he has been outside for awhile. A breathing treatment fixes him right up. So now our prayer is that in time this will all go away. But so far it's not too bad. 

Well I will post some old but new pictures & blog about them soon. So check back but you will have to go back to January because that it where I left off. Til then.........


DeAguiar said...

no worries my hard drive is just fine, and i still find ways to fall off the face of the earth.
please greet yo peeps fo me!

The Nassar Family said...

poor lil guy! we are praying for a FULL recovery and NO signs of the RSV at all!!! HUGS!!!