Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My birthday wish

When it was just me I wanted my birthday to be a day for ME! How things change when you share your life with someone. Then throw a baby into the mix. When asked by my hubby what I wanted to do for my special day , all I could think about was spending the day with him & Isaac. So we got to visit the "magic kingdom" for the day. We had such a great time. 

A good friend of Simon's is the G.M. for Lego in Downtown Disney. He was the one who got us in for the day. So our first stop was to his store. I think Isaac thought that the Lego Store was his surprise.

The end of the night...........

Saturday, April 26, 2008


My little sis-in-law went to her boyfriend's prom & she looked beautiful. I did her hair & my other sis-in-law did her makeup. It brought all those memories from high school back. What a fun time in her life.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I know I have not been true to you blog! I am trying to update a little each day. We left for New Mexico & I have not quite gotten back to my you will see in upcoming posts. I am trying to remember dates, so sorry if I don't get it right on the money. :( 

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma

Even though Grandma is far away we still made her a very special piece of art work for her very special day. We love you Grandma Helen & we will see you soon.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Okay so today Isaac had his first major "boy" moment. I had watched the girls for Becky & she came to pick them up with Dom. Isaac wanted his hat & was playing away with it. We were all around when Isaac spun himself around & lost his balance. By the time he could see what was in front of him it was to late. His head went right into the corner of the Armor we have in our front room. Just to think there are many more of these to come.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Little Milestones

Today was bitter sweet for me. My mother-in-law called & asked if Isaac could go to an Angel game with them & spend the night. This would be his fist night away from us. But much to my surprise, when we got him into the car to go he was all smiles & was telling me bye. So I knew that he would not miss us one bit. 

I had a nice break but by 2 p.m. the next day I did not know what to do with myself. When Isaac came back that evening he was not even that excited to see me. He was more concerned about his Nanie & Papa following him in the house. I got the full story of how much he loved the game. He came back bearing so many gifts: a rally monkey, an Angel's blanket, some clothes, and a new toy. 

Thank you Nanie, Papa, and Tia Rach for giving Isaac such a wonderful time and for giving Mama a break. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Couch Potatoe

So we got Isaac his own chair a while ago. He loves it & I caught him just relaxing in it. 

Monday, April 14, 2008

Night & Day it's Misteralli

Look at my little helper, always wanting to help

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Aww Sundays

The day I look forward to all week long. Today was no different & we got a great unexpected call from Beck & Dom to join them for dinner. When we got there Symph had made Isaac a hat. They are soo cute.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Look what the wind blew in

My cousin & aunt came for a visit from New Mexico. Isaac had so much fun with them. We were so happy to see them but we were sad to see them go. We will see them soon.

Well they were here we visited our grandparents. Isaac especially likes his great grandpa.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dada's Home

We missed him. Again he had to leave us this week but Isaac got a new toy out of it. Our pastor has a basketball hoop for his kids & Isaac loved it. We realized we needed to get him one when we kept finding all of his toy balls in the sink. 
Isaac wanted to help Dad put his new toy together. 

Don't you think it's much better then the sink?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Babysitters Club

Do you remember those books??? I had the entire series. I thank God for a mom who shared her love for reading to me at a young age. Okay so enough of that. My other, other half, Becky called me to watch her beautiful girls Bella & Symphony because the stork paid a visit to her house again & she had a very important doctors appointment. Congratulations!!!! So I could not resist taking a few pictures of my favorite girls. 
I caught Bella calling her Nino. It was too cute she had an entire conversation with him (even if he really was not on the other line)
Symph always wants to watch TV, so I thought I would let her see herself in action.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

David & Elias

David is our Godson & Elias is his brother. They decided to have a combo party for them. Isaac had fun as usual.

Our First "Papa's" he is getting so big!
Jake, Elias, & Isaac
Us with David but he wasn't looking at the camera :(.
Elias & Isaac getting down with some birthday cake.

We love these boys so much!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Be careful what you ask for.....

Simon is not one of the most organized people I know but my son......oh he is "type A" all the way. I know this is a good thing for the most part but it can be a little hard at times. Like tonight he cried because someone left the bathroom door open & he could not reach to close it. Or when I am trying to put things away so I have to open a closet or a cabinet. I cannot leave the cabinet or door to grab something else because he will be right behind me to close the door. Sometimes I am still in the closet when he want to close the door. 
When we get home from being out I put his backpack on the bar chair. When we are traveling his sippy cup goes in a netting area so today he would drink his juice & then get up & put it in the netting area every time. It was to funny!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hanging out

Today was busy, busy, busy. I had allot of running around to do for the children's ministry at church. So Tia Rach had to keep Isaac busy for me from time to time. One time I found them in the front room having some quality time. Isaac sure loves his Tia!

We already have in training to be a movie buff

So the day ended with Isaac relaxing with us on the couch, oh my big boy.

And drinking out of a big boy cup