Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The verdict is in and it's a............

Since I found out so late in the game that I was pregnant and already so far along, it seems that I can hardly keep up with this pregnancy. New Years eve was my 18 week check up and with that came the "big ultrasound". This is when they can tell you the sex of the baby. So the score car in our house will now read:


Yup it's another BOY! Simon is over the moon. I love my boys so much so adding another one to our crazy little circus is the best thing I can think of. To tell you the truth I am a little scared of having a girl. They are so sweet and cute. All the clothes and fun stuff for them is crazy but I think of the hormones and BOYS! My mom was always so fair and new when to let me be free and when to hold back a little. I am afraid that I won't let my daughter out at all and that we will fight every day. Again I just have to leave it in Gods hands, He knows.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Part 2

Simon's family gets together every year on Christmas eve. This year we all met up at Simon's sisters place for food, fun, and of course the "secret Santa" exchange. All the kids look forward to it all year long and our little man was no exception to this. He made out! Thank you Weatherbee's (Isaac's secret Santa's). I felt like I was a good girl this year too - I had a HUGE pile of gifts from all the family. All you got to do with this family is produce an heir to the thrown and your in for life. :) lol No they love me for me even if I did not give them Isaac..... well I guess it helped. :) 

Our prayer for all of you is that God would bless you this coming year and that you all would strive to have a personal relationship with him. Remember "with God ALL things are possible". Our little family is proof of that! Love you all.
Simon, Joanna (Simon's goddaughter) & Isaac
Mommy & Isaac
Andrew & Isaac

Rach & A.J.

Nanie, Isaac & Papa

Simons Aunts & Uncle - Mom Maria, Aunt Steph, Uncle Pete, Aunt Christine, & Aunt Katrina

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Part 1

Since my mom lives in New Mexico we have made a new tradition. We get together the week before Christmas so that we can all exchange gifts and hang out. I forgot to take pictures but when I did remember it was just in time to see why Isaac had been so quiet. My sis-in-law brought all kinds of treats to make cookies. So the two of them were busy baking. 

Friday, December 19, 2008


So #10 on my thankful list......I can tell you all now. I was pregnant in May of this year. At 3 1/2 months I lost the baby. It was extremely physically painful for me. Without going into the gory details it was pretty much pre-term labor. Well this happened the last week in August......

Then to my surprise (REALLY!!) I started getting morning sickness and all that good stuff that goes along with being pregnant. I thought maybe my body was acting weird, it just had been through allot you know, so I swept it right out of my mind. At the urging of my hubby I finally took a pregnancy test, really just to get that idea out of his mind. Instantly it turned positive....I was in shock but then quickly tried to rationalize the entire thing out. My body had just gone through quite an ordeal this must be a false reading. So I made an appointment and today I got the shock of my life.

Side note: In between all this I had some spotting so I went to urgent care and they confirmed that I was pregnant but they could not give an accurate due date, I would have to wait for my regular appointment, but all was good.

Not only was I pregnant AGAIN! But I was 4 1/2 months along. I must have gotten pregnant right, RIGHT after my miscarriage. I know I say it allot but God sure works in ways we can never fully understand. With this miscarriage I was very much at peace. It was almost odd. I felt bad for felling so at peace. No one could believe how okay I was. They all thought for sure I was a ball of nerves just waiting to fall apart at a moments notice. The only way I could explain it was that God was over our lives and I trusted what he had for us.

So Baby Garcia is due on May 31, 2009! Thank you God for being faithful to us even when we don't fully understand what or why we are in the trials we are in. Thank you for my little family that at this very moment is growing. :)