Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He fell off the wagon

We have been very successfully potty training Isaac.....well that was until yesterday. For the past two weeks he has been out of diapers with no accidents. Last night we had an eye appointment by our pastors house, so we were also going to visit afterward. Thank God I packed for that! I had an extra pair of sweats & chonies (underwear). For the evening I packed a diaper & P.J.'s. Well I went into my exam, all was great. Then it was Simon's turn, Isaac asked to go to the bathroom a few times so we did. When he asked the 3rd time I realized he was not asking he had already gone! So daddy put him in the car and changed him. Now off to our pastors house. They have 6 kids so Isaac LOVES to hang out with them. Now let me explain something there house is literally 2 min. from the eye doc. As we are pulling onto the street they live off of Isaac lets us know he has to go potty. No he did not have to go, he already DID go, AGAIN! So we had to change him again. I really thought for sure we were out of the woods but I guess not. Well I will keep you all posted on the progress....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wait a minute......

My husband came home tonight and was teasing me. He asked Isaac who he loved more, me or him? Well Isaac just laughed and went on playing with his toys. The he said to Isaac that he will get him on his side and when the new baby comes he is going to get him on "the boys" team too.

Then it hit me, am I going to loose the little femininity I have now??? My son is a true boy as well is his dad, so then it all made sense. I will loose my girly tv time. I will have all little pee-ers that stand(need I say more)! I am already invaded with boy movies. Boys are generally messy. They play ruff all the time. They have 2 speeds, fast & faster. I love my boys!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Nina's Birthday

Isaac's Nina & my BFF birthday was today. Happy Birthday Jess! I love you. I thank God for you & our friendship. I guess you can call it more of a sisterhood. This girl is so awesome in so many ways. Her heart is bigger then anyone I know. She loves my son like he were her own. Hope you enjoyed your day Nina! We had dinner at Lucille's, that place is so good. 


Isaac, Symph, & The birthday girl

Jess cake hmmmm

Make a wish......

Symphony & Isaac (Bella???)

Baby Dom